Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Choose Your Own Adventure: Mountain Edition

When life doesn't go as planned, don't be afraid to have redo. Life is your adventure. You get to choose the ending.
I remember discovering the Choose Your Own Adventure books in my Uncle Rob’s apartment — right next to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I read every Choose Your Own Adventure book that he had. And with methodical procession I would read every possibility that the book allowed. I proceeded to check all of the Choose Your Own Adventure books out of the library. At 10, I felt like quite a bad ass for transitioning from the Baby Sitters Club series to this adventure literature that even boys read.

As a grownup I’ve realized that life is nothing more than a Choose Your Own Adventure book. I’ve flipped to the wrong page plenty of times, but that’s never stopped me from going back and choosing the path I want.

I think that’s a big, big part of mental health recovery. We are choosing our own adventure and even when we don’t get it right the first time there are always chances to flip back a few pages and choose the path you want.

This summer I traveled to Colorado to visit some family and friends and see a concert at Red Rocks Amphitheater. I saw a concert at Red Rocks a few years ago, but it wasn’t the experience I had hoped for. I spun that night into an inspirational blog about rock climbing because that’s what I do and at the time that seemed like all I knew how to do.

These are the words I wrote back in 2013: 

The secret to successful bipolar treatment is to always, always envision your next move. See yourself at the top of that rock. Name that rock. Because the stability you’ll experience at the top is yours and you should own it.

I wrote those words during what was a privately dark time in my life, but they remain true. A lot has changed since 2013, but I’m naming my rock. I’m still climbing with avengenance. And now I know that I don’t just own the rock that I’m climbing — I own my whole story. And let me tell you this adventure is going to have a fabulous ending.

I redid my Red Rocks experience in August. I had some friends tag along to see Yonder Mountain String Band because my friends are awesome and always seem to be up for anything. My friends left during intermission of the headliner. (People who don’t normally attend jam band concerts don’t realize they are six hour ordeals.)

I decided to stay and made my way toward the front.  Before I knew it, I began dancing like no one was watching. I felt free. I realized that after years of living a fragmented life trying to spin things into an appropriate message, I finally felt whole. I finally felt like there was no need to spin. I could just be me among the mountains.

Today, I still feel whole. I am choosing my own adventure. I am owning the story. And I am writing the ending. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

What in the Heaven Does Biblical Sex and Marriage Look Like

About four years ago I wrote a piece for Relevant magazine on sexuality. The editor was interested in my pitch. I mean, really, how do we reconcile polygamy and the sell of virgin brides with our concept of sex and marriage. 

For whatever reason, Relevant never ran my story. Maybe because I didn't package it in a way that concludes that event though things don't make sense we should still abstain because that's what the Bible says. That's how Lauren Winner concluded her book "Real Sex." 
Do Biblical concepts of sex and marriage fit into today's relationship structures?

The problem with Winner's stance is that those Biblical concepts don't fit with into the kind of relationships we have today. And I don't think abstinence always represents the kind of honestly and integrity Christ calls us to. 

Here is the piece I wrote for Relevant that never ran: 

If you search for Biblical marriage online, more than 27 million hits come up.

Biblical marriage its the ideal for which Christians are taught to strive. From a young age girls are taught to save their virginity for their future husband and boys are taught to wait for the special girl who will someday be his bride. Churches teach the principles of Biblical marriage, but often these principles are detached from the stories of actual marriages in the Bible.

What does it mean to be married during Biblical times? How do Biblical marriages apply to 21st century Christian relationships? And what does Jesus teachings have to say about any of this? 

A look into Biblical marriages

Marriage during the time of the Old Testament in Israel and the Ancient Near East doesnt fit into our modern model of love and marriage.

According to the Anchor Bible Dictionary, girls during Biblical times married around the age of puberty and men married between ages 14 and 20.

Parents arranged marriages and some husbands had multiple wives.

Whether the marriage was monogamous or polygamous, the husband expected a virgin bride. The culture took these mandate so seriously that, according to Deuteronomy 22:13-21 the parents of a girl kept the sheets from her wedding night to prove she was a virgin in case her husband accused her of being impure.

The text goes on to say that if there is no blood-stained sheet to prove womens virginity then, she shall be brought to the door of her fathers house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.

Pretty serious consequence for a women who has no proof of her virginity. The Old Testament does not, however, require grooms to be virgins before they enter the marriage bed.

Historically speaking Christians and Christian theology in general has been interested in protecting the virginity of women and not of men, said Leslie Dorrough Smith, assistant professor of religious studies at Avila University.

The patriarchal society of ancient Israel is demonstrated in every aspect of the marriage process during Biblical times.

Fathers arranged the marriage of their daughters with the families of the potential groom. The groom, or grooms family, paid a bride price before the wedding.

While followers of Jesus take inspiration from the Old Testament, mainstream evangelicals dont follow Biblical traditions such as arranged marriage, polygamy or the bride price.

Its just so tricky to read back into the old testament because their culture is so different than ours, said Jessi Marcus, a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and staff member at Jacobs Well Church in Kansas City, Mo.

One tradition that has lasted over the years is the ideal of a virgin bride.

A look into relationships today

Today evangelical churches teach abstinence for men and women. The decision to wait is no longer the law of the land, but rather adolescents are told to save their virginity for true love. And the wait for true love can be longer than many Christians anticipate.

The average age of marriage today is 26 for women and 28 for men, according to the United States Census.

With people waiting longer to wed, many are not surprised that even most evangelicals opt to engage in sex before marriage.

A 2009 study conducted by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, revealed that 80 percent of self-identified unmarried evangelicals between the ages 18 and 29 have had sex.

Jessica Lewis, 22, a junior at Simpson University, said the statistics about premarital sex among Christians do not surprise her.

I know a lot of my friends didnt wait or arent waiting until they are married, Lewis said.  Thats definitely American culture, doing what feels good.

Lewis said most of the Christians she knew who had sex before marriage did so before they knew the value of abstinence or as an act of rebellion.

But some young adults who grew up in the church describe the decision to have sex before marriage  as more than a lack of awareness or act of rebellion.

Growing up I was in the pro-waiting camp, said 26-year-old Ani Collins, a Kansas City resident who grew up in an evangelical church.

But as Collins became an adult she said she started to question many of her views and realized that she wanted to experience sex and didnt want to wait until marriage to do so.

I was 22 when I lost my virginity, Collins said.

Though the relationship with the man Collins lost her virginity to didnt work out she said she does not regret the experience.

I really felt like once I had sex and experienced that it became a manageable part of my life, Collins said.

Collins eventually did meet the love of her life and they wed last year. While she doesnt self-identify as an evangelical Christian, she remains active with a Christian church.

That is just indicative of what a fabulous group of people they are, Collins said. I didnt feel judged by anyone ever at that church even though Im quite certain that most of them disagreed with that life choice that I made.

But Collins candor about her sexuality and acceptance among her Christian fellowship might  be the exception rather than the rule among evangelicals.

I have known some girls who have said, It doesnt get in the way between me and God, but Ive seen very quickly how it does, Lewis said. They kind of drop off the face of fellowship and community.

Lewis said she thinks some sexually active women retreat from the church community because of the judgement they feel.

They know its not accepted by the church community, she said.

A look into Jesus thoughts on marriage and relationships 

Jesus doesnt give much guidance on the issue of marriage. In his Sermon on the Mount he gives radical views on adultery and divorce.

You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart, Jesus says in Matt. 5:27-28.

Jesus went on to speak of the injustice that occurred when men divorced their wives. In those times men could present a certificate of divorce to one of his wives when he no longer wanted to be married to her. This put the women in a marginalized position in society as divorcee.

It has been said, Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce. But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery, Jesus says in Matt. 5:31-32.

In these passages Jesus addresses two key issues: first the intent of ones heart and second the protection of the disenfranchised.

Jesus seems less interested in the act of sex, as he is in the posture of ones heart. And he doesnt portray wives as property that can be easily discarded. Rather he appears to protect the dignity of women with his stance on divorce.

Throughout the Gospels Jesus preaches radical a grace that instructs his followers to love others with a pure heart. Jesus two greatest commandments are to love God and love others.
Its the love of God and their partners that compels some Christians to abstain from sex until they are married.

The two greatest commandments that he asks us to apply to our whole life, apply to our spousal relationship as well, said Jeanne Damon, director of adult discipleship at Christ United Methodist Church in Sugarland, Texas. My husband and I waited and we dont really have the baggage that other couples have.

The patriarchal society in which the Bible was written sets up a double standard with regards to sexuality. But that double standard does not have to be applied for purity to be a priority among Christians today.

If you have the same standards for both its hard to call it objectifying, said Bernadette Brooten, professor of Christian studies at Brandeis University.  The problem is when you have a different standard.

Damon said when she and her husband decided to reserve sex for marriage it sanctified her sexuality rather than objectified it.

I think the objectification is from all these people in the media who dont take marriage seriously, Damon said.

When it comes to a Biblical perspective of relationships, Marcus recommends that Christians look at the concept of covenant, which is portrayed between God and humanity throughout scriptures.

I do think there is a call for covenantal, faithful members of marriage, Marcus said. To me that covenant theology is the Gospel. Its the basis for my faith.

Lewis hopes to someday share the covenant of marriage. And she said its that covenant that encourages her to remain sex-free until marriage.

By having sex with someone you are uniting yourself to them in a way that is very sacred, Lewis said. Its such an intimate and spiritual thing.

Collins said she thinks abstinence can be a good thing, but as an adult the choice of whether or not to have sex should made by each individual. She said when she took ownership of her sexuality in a genuine and honest way it helped her grow as a person.

That has really helped my spirituality, Collins said. I dont just have to blindly believe something. I can have a dialog about it.

Marriage during Biblical times occurred more like a business transaction than a love story and the marriage purchase included a womans virginity. Today our Christian ideals of sexual purity encourage both men and women to remain sexually abstinent until marriage. Unfortunately, studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that most Christians do not live up this ideal.

So what would Jesus have to say about this?

Love one another as I have loved you and treat others and you would want to be treated. Those are basic Biblical principals from Jesus, said Connie Wacht, senior minister at First Christian Church in Vinton, Iowa. He wanted people to have lives that were relational and filled with well being. In any kind of relationship, sexual or not, the question for me is, are there aspects in that relationship that promote the well being of those partners?

Perhaps Jesus would draw Christians away from mindsets that focus on shame, guilt and lines drawn in the sand, and instead bring the focus back to His message of being genuine, honest, respectful and loving, however that plays out in ones sex life. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Whole heartedness, baseball and bliss

It’s been a while since I posted to this blog so I thought I’d pull together a quick and dirty blog to catch you up to speed with my summer. Also, don’t forget that you can always read my inspirational prose at Healthy Place.

Becoming a whole hearted person

I recently listened to “The Power of Vulnerability” by BrenĂ© Brown. These talks changed my life. I listened on my head phones and work and found myself saying, “Mmmmm,” over and over like a white Protestant at Sunday service. BrenĂ© is brilliant and her message is simple —when we let go of the person we are supposed to be we can become who we truly are meant to be.

Those words penetrate straight to my soul. Time and time again, I have had to adjust my expectations —first when I was diagnosed with bipolar, and then most recently when I made the decision to get divorced and raise my daughter as a single mom. Life never comes at us in the way we think it should. But I have found that when I embrace those curve balls and face them with own unique gifts and talents that not only are they manageable, but I’m sometimes able to swing hard and hit homer.

How about them Royals

When I’m not listening to self help books, I’m mostly likely listening to the Royals. I never was the kind of baseball fan who listened to every game on the radio until this season. Last year’s run to the World Series seemed to come out of nowhere — especially to me since I only half ass followed the season. But we made it. We rocked it.

And when I look at my life, and the lives of the clients I work with who suffer from mental illness, I think of the Royals. I think we too can be Royal. We can rock it. And we are.

You know who isn’t rocking it? Sam Brownback

It’s not always rainbows and gummy drops in the realm of mental health advocacy. In fact it rarely is. I have moments with my clients that seem perfect. Moments where I think, “this, this is what it’s all about.”

But life isn’t a book or a movie. There are always trials beyond that moment. I experience this myself as someone who has bipolar 1. Just this morning I woke up at 3:30. When life is good sometimes it’s too good. Sometimes I need make a medication adjustment. And by sometimes I mean just about every six weeks. It’s complicated.

State legislators don’t always get just how complicated and difficult life can be with a mental illness. In Kansas funding for mental health is being slashed — just another sign that I made the right decision to move to Missouri.

When I read stories about mental health policy they seem to focus a lot on keeping people out of jail and the hospital. I get that. But I wish we could move the conversation beyond that. When I got my diagnosis I didn’t feel devastated as much as I felt hopeful. I had a great psychiatrist who told I could get my life back if I took my treatment plan seriously. I was back to work in about three weeks. I wasn’t back to fully functioning, but I was back.

Within a year after my diagnosis I won a first place KPA award. My point in sharing this isn’t to backhanded brag. It’s just to show that you can be successful with a mental illness. You can live up to your full potential with a mental illness. And not only can you, but you should. You have gifts to share to the world that no one else has. This is the message I try to share with all of my clients.

I wish that we could turn the conversation about mental health beyond surviving and talk about thriving. Whole hearted people do more than just survive. Whole hearted people thrive  just like the Royals.

So, that’s my summer so far. Hope yours has included whole heartedness, baseball and love. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

A progressive Christian response to Josh Duggar

I haven’t read many progressive Christian responses to the Josh Duggar scandal. Maybe, it’s because I avoided all Christian responses related to Josh Duggar. Stories about the sex abuse within the Duggar home, and the media train wreck that followed, make me want to distance myself from Christianity.

And it’s not just that I want to distance myself from Christianity. At one point, after reading the umpteenth sympathetic blog towards Josh Duggar, I wanted to completely absolve myself from my Christian faith. 

Christianity felt like massive spider web draped over head and covering my entire chest.

“Get it off of me!” my inner monologue screamed. “Get it off of me.”

Just how exactly did Josh Duggar cause me to lose my faith?

Josh Duggar’s indiscretions didn’t cause me to nearly lose my faith because I was shocked that sex abuse exists within the church. Hello, I was raised in the church. I’m well aware that abuse exists.

The revelation that Josh Duggar had sexually abused five girls, including some of his sisters, put the Duggars, and their lifestyle, in the spotlight. What caused me to nearly lose my faith was remembering how, for a time, I believed in that lifestyle. 

My freshman year in college I connected with some extreme pro-lifer fundamentalists. As the daughter of a couple of teenagers, I was a prime recruit. I had survived abortion— or rather survived the very logical option to abort. My mother chose life for me. And 18 years later I found a very close-knit tribe to connect with over this fact. 

I was young and impressionable. The theology of the body sounded beautiful and poetic. Birth control sounded sinful and bad. As a woman, why should I have control over anything. Isn’t my faith about submission?

I fit in well with fundamentalist. My passion, drive to please, and enthusiastic story telling made me a favorite for testimonials. But after spending my junior year of college in Philadelphia, I realized that fundamentalism didn’t make sense in any context outside of our small prayer group. (And to be honest the militaristic nature of the prayer group in light of the Iraq war never settled well with me.)

Nowadays I gloss over that part of my faith as, “that time in college when I joined a cult.”

Seeing the Duggars splattered across the news and Twitter brought all those memories back. And it forced me to remember how much I believed I knew when I was a part of that “fellowship.”

I knew that people were going to Hell if they didn’t have an all encompassing relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  Sure, you may think Jesus is your friend— you may even think He’s your savior— but if you aren’t “all in” you are going to Hell.

I knew that birth control was murder. Sure you may think you just want to wait to have children, but if you’re using ANYTHING except the barrier method you might be killing a baby. (And why are you even using the barrier method? Slut.)

I knew that God talked to me. I had undiagnosed hypo-mania, so boy oh boy did He talk. 

I knew these things. And I was so wrong. If I was wrong about so much that I knew so strongly, what am I wrong about now? 

So what is my progressive Christian response ?

I’m filled with as much doubt as I am hope. And I have a lot of hope. 

That’s the good news that I want to share. That’s my response to Joshua Duggar’s sex scandal. 

There is hope for those who have been victims of sexual abuse. There is hope for you who are survivors. 

There is hope for the teenager who is struggling with gender identity or sexual orientation.

There is hope for the single mother who can’t afford to feed her child.

There is hope for a state that is not able to fund itself. 

I believe with everything in me that nothing is beyond hope. And that our source of hope comes from this intrinsic higher power— full of love and goodness. I call Her God. 

My progressive Christian response this sex scandal, and every other disaster, is to focus on the hope.

My associate pastor gave a sermon on Evangelism last week. (I know what you are thinking— are Mainlines allowed to do that?) The truth is we have good news to share. We believe in this hope that has been revealed to us by Jesus. 

I don’t “know that I know that I know,” anything like I used to. But I’m not gonna let that stop me from focusing on hope and sharing the good news.